리뷰 중
- Analysis of prognostic factors influencing survival and recurrence in breast cancer: A hybrid machine learning approach (Scientific Reports)
- Quality evaluation of mobile apps to develop adverse drug reactions monitoring in Korea (JMIR*)
- MDV CDM: Medical device vigilance common data models for active surveillance in real-world data
- Enhancing Diabetes Risk Prediction through an Explainable Artificial Intelligence-based Framework: A Nutrition Perspective.
- Association between sacubitril/valsartan and risk of dementia in patients with heart failure: a nationwide cohort study.
- A Process for Quality Management of EMR-Based Data: A Case Study Using Real Colorectal Cancer Data
- Multi-institutional drug use patterns in hospitalized elderly patients on polypharmacy based on the common data model
- Predicting Adverse Drug Reactions Using Word Embedding with BERT-Based Models : Comparative Study
- Analysis of Nottingham Grade in Multi-Omics Using Multi-Instance Learning and Prediction of Survival analysis
- DQA4M: The application of Data Quality Assessment Process for Medical Research based on Electronic Health Record(EHR)
- LLM-based Response Generation for Korean Adolescents: A Study Using NAVER Knowledge-iN Q&A Dataset with RAG
- National Trends in Violence Victimization and COVID-19 Pandemic-–Related related Risk Factors Among South Korean Adolescents From from 2012 to 2022
- 익명화를 통한 EHR자료 합성데이터 생성 연구
- SAVE US: 국내 약물 부작용 관리를 위한 어플 개발과 실증
- Age-related adverse drug event reports in South Korean patients